Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Solemn Fellow

Today we took a walk along the slew in Mission Bay. The sky was full of billowy white clouds. The air was fresh and clean. We watched ducks and egrets.

Then we noticed this fellow. He made me think about priorities. He's just relaxing, and isn't in any hurry. Life is different when you are a Heron. We can get caught up in the hustle and bustle, but it's good to think, is it all that important?

Getting out was a good idea today. Enjoy your evening, Jennifer

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just Starting.

I'm new to this, but also love to communicate and share. So here goes.

I want to use this forum to share things that catch my sense of wonder as I travel through my day. I try to keep life from being so busy that I don't notice what's actually around me each day. That's not always easy, but here's to trying.

I have been collecting sunsets lately, and the title image is one of my recent ones. Somehow the ocean is important for me, like a fresh breath. So I make time to be there.

There's something cool about catching a moment. And when I'm taking photos of sunsets, there are so many. Much to my friends' amusement, I like to try to catch them all.

I have a full love of life and keep adding new hobbies and interests, so I hope to keep this blog wellrounded and fun.

Have a nice weekend, Jennifer