Friday, April 2, 2010

Maybe, Maybe not...

Jason and I just got back from a great trip to Mexico.  I will add more photos soon.

The trip was relaxing, interesting and beautiful.  We both got to visit new places we hadn't been to and were in the desert, a green ranch in a valley, in the snow on a pine tree filled mountain and at the beach.  Baja amazes me.

Since we spend so much time driving, and I love taking photos, I make it my mission to try to capture things along the way.  This is a challenge when we are moving at 50 miles per hour, but it's also part of the fun.  I like the fact that I have to be good at anticipating, but also I have to be open to what I catch.  It's like gambling I guess, you get the fun of feeling like you won if you caught something you wished for. 

I will share more photos I "caught" on this trip.  This is one that I didn't consider catching, but upon looking at it again, I think it shows the spirit of the chase.  Maybe you'll get an amazingly composed image, or maybe it's a fleeting memory.  Either way, I have way more memories from this trip than I have photos!

Enjoy catching memories in your day, Jennifer

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